Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day I am not a fan of this “Hallmark Holiday”! For starters I can’t really eat out and don’t like these fancy date night spots! I had this boyfriend that took me to a fancy french restaurant and I remember looking at the menu and DYING seeing ESCARGO!!!!! The menu was selected by the…

Update on my doc appointment!

I am so happy my appointment went well and that my doctor didn’t let me down! She understood and listened to me and gave me a plan! I will be going back on Low Dose Naltrexone and have some testing to ask the doctors here for. She wants me to see an immunologist- turns out…

Finalist for WEGO Health Awards!!!

I can’t even lie to yall I cried when I saw my name on that list on finalists!! I was working and got a notification on my Instagram, that I had been added to a story—I legit thought what kind of SPAM did I get added on??! I was not expecting to see my name…

“It’s Hard”- Loss During COVID Podcast

Check out this awesome collaboration with Sorry To Hear That. I was able to share my experience with loss during COVID! Click the link below and let me know what you think and follow CJ! For more info on her Podcast check out her website Sorry To Hear That and make sure to follow her…

My Loss During COVID-19

Covid-19 has been an interesting and downright hard time in the lives of many and mine included. While I am very thankful to have been in good health and so has my family, I have encountered two very big losses.  Both of my paternal grandparents have passed away and I was not able to attend…

The way Life Rolls

Not even a week after my friend died, my daughters father had to have emergency surgery. This meant walking though the halls that I was VERY familiar with for my friend. I had to come up with words to say at her funeral and be there for him. I always amaze myself with the level…