
Who else feels that the more flares you have, the harder they are to recoup from?!!🙋🏻‍♀️ So this last flare kicked my butt, literally. With work, my daughter, and being sick, I couldn’t handle anything else. I took 3 days off of work and didn’t move from my bed. I couldn’t keep my eyes open….

Finding Out I Need a PET Scan

Since late December, I have been dealing with my throat issues. I had this horrible pain and sore throat feeling. I ended up having this inflamed abscess on my tonsil, so they thought. I ended up in the er, thinking it needed to be drained. When they did a CT scan, they told me it…

AIP Waffles

“And in the morning, I am making waffles!” Breakfast is my favorite meal to create. Some of my best cooking memories come from making everyone in the house some form of scrambled eggs. I took so much pride in my very picky mom requesting my cuisine! Growing up I was not able to cook at…

Shape of you! My feelings on food!

I have said this OVER and OVER again, cooking is a huge passion of mine. I love expressing myself in my meals. Living with a chronic illness, I have developed this love/ hate relationship with food. Cooking used to seem like a chore to keep me from getting sick. I think the moment I stopped…

Update on Pill Cam Test

Update on Pill Cam Test- The pill cam was nothing like I had imagined it. It had this glowing light and was very hard to swallow! Once I got it down, they strapped this belt all around me. It had this blue flickering light and vibrated from time to time! I worked all day while…

Fistula, Fistula, Wherefore Art Thou Fistula!

Possible small bowl issues/ fistula— is the new story of my life! Well not really new, its been almost TWO years of this! So, I did a few stool test and they came back okay- all within normal markers but I am still feeling sick and my local GI agreed with my Mississippi GI, to…

In Other Health News….

This was a lot easier to share in a video then it has been to write down. I feel like every time I put I tried to put it into words I started to cry or my anxiety got worse. During this time, I have spent a lot of time thinking about how unfair life…

Second Covid Vaccine

Man oh man! The second shot was very rough on me. I think I would honestly rather have a Crohns flare then go trough that again. I am very rarely ever sick with these colds, body aches, high fevers and the WORST headaches!!! For about 2-3 days my head felt like it was going to…

Trader Joe’s Baked Mac N’ Cheese!

This TikTok meal has been very popular! I remember being in Trader Joe’s and the staff talking about they were not able to keep these ingredients on the shelf! I will start this off by saying: I AM A HUG MAC N’ CHESSE FAN!!!! This is my food weakness. I crave Mac N’ Cheese more…

COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction

Just wanted to share a quick update. On day 13 of getting my 1st COVID vaccine, I developed an allergic reaction on my arm. At first it looked like hives then my arm got hot and SUPER itchy! *if you watch the video I have pictures of my arm! I called the doctor and was…

Labor of Love

Valentine’s Day is the day of LOVE right?!! Well I am finally able to share what I have been working on! It’s my own labor of love. I will be sharing my favorite Paleo, autoimmune protocol, and specific carbohydrate, diet hacks! Food has changed my life. Eating clean has given me years without biological drugs…

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day I am not a fan of this “Hallmark Holiday”! For starters I can’t really eat out and don’t like these fancy date night spots! I had this boyfriend that took me to a fancy french restaurant and I remember looking at the menu and DYING seeing ESCARGO!!!!! The menu was selected by the…